Fri Art | Kunsthalle Freiburg

Pascal Vonlanthen

05 Sep - 25 Oct 2015

Untitled (Lartgiut), 20.11.2014
© Max Reitmeier
Solo show
5 September — 25 October 2015

Curatoring : Laurence Cotting, Balthazar Lovay

Fri Art is pleased to announce a public exhibition of the work of Pascal Vonlanthen. Born in 1957 in Rossens, the self-taught artist still lives in Fribourg, where he attends CREAHM, an art workshop for people with an intellectual disability.
Fri Art presents a series of works created by the artist over the last year. Unable to read or write, Vonlanthen replicates pages from print newspapers and magazines, using felt-tip pens, lead pencils and coloured crayons.

With the support of:
AGGLO Fribourg
La Ville de Fribourg
La Loterie Romande
Etat de Fribourg
Fondation Nestlé pour l’art
Migros pourcent culturel