
Richard Galpin

22 Nov 2007 - 05 Jan 2008

© Richard Galpin
Cluster XXXVII (Maximopolis), 2007
peeled photograph
210 x 232 cm
"Cluster Works"

11.22.07 - 01.05.08

Galeria Leme presents the solo exhibition Cluster Works - Richard Galpin
IIn his second solo exhibition in São Paulo Richard Galpin continues to develop both the technique and the visual language of his ‘peeled photographs’. As previously, each piece is a unique photograph where elements of the surface have been selectively removed. However, the recent Cluster Works show an increasing assurance in the development of a visual language, where the evidence of the original photograph and the new forms created are in dynamic interplay.
Cluster XXXVII (Maximopolis), is one of the largest works of this type that the artist has attempted. Based on a chaotic Manhattan cityscape, the ambitious scale of the work immerses the viewer in a bewildering landscape of abstracted colour. Foreground blocks, where the soft textures suggest the surfaces of a bustling crowd, build towards the intricate city backdrop, with no discernible division between people and buildings.
In Cluster XXX (Angelosopolis) and Cluster XXXIV (Gallusopolis) the artist has removed more of the background to create centralised compositions that invite figurative associations. In these works the background buildings appear to knot together and sit upon foreground elements, giving the works a more sculptural appearance. Entirely new forms have been fashioned from the city.
Two smaller works based on forms of London transport are more legibly pictorial. In Cluster XXXVIII (Autopolis) the reflected city in the windscreen of the vehicle appears to shatter and fracture with vibrant gems of colour. In Cluster XXXV (Omniopolis) another icon of London transport is just discernible through the impressionistic diffusion of the image.
This exhibition shows the artist further developing his work within the refined language of the Cluster Works while expanding the scale and subject, and the sculptural and painterly associations of the work.
A publication on the work of Richard Galpin from the last 6 years titled Surface to Surface: Richard Galpin is due to be made available during the run of the exhibition, published by Galeria Leme in association with Hales Gallery, London, and 99 Uitgevers/Publishers, Netherlands.

Tags: Richard Galpin