
Sandra Gamarra

29 Nov 2006 - 13 Jan 2007

"Brazilian Acquisitions"

Sandra Gamarra, peruvian - the artist has become known for having created her own imaginary museum - LiMac - (Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Lima) - where she explores and appropriates herself of the works of others, making her own previous selection. In this exhibition, LiMac presents at Galeria Leme some of its recent acquisition - works by brazilian artists.
The idea around this show is not to make a resume of brazilian contemporary art. The exhibition of these works seek a new dialogue, through the same medium - painting - signalising other areas of encounter and disencounter.
Gamarra has painted pages from catalogues and books compiling the works of distinct artists such as Sandra Cinto, Vik Muniz, Leda Catunda, Iran do Espírito Santo, Nelson Leirner and various others.

© Sandra Gamarra
oil on canvas
150 x 150 cm

Tags: Leda Catunda, Sandra Cinto, Sandra Gamarra, Nelson Leirner, Vik Muniz, Iran do Espírito Santo