
Hans-Christian Lotz A SPOT OF TURF FOULED BY

13 Mar - 18 Apr 2009

Resauce, Detail
2009, Galerie b2_
installation view, Galerie b2_ 2009
installation view, Galerie b2_ 2009
Resauce, Detail
2009, Galerie b2_
Lulz (8)
2009, C-Print hinter Acrylglas kaschiert
100 x 70 cm, gerahmt
1+1 ap
Lulz (10)
2009, C-Print hinter Acrylglas kaschiert
100 x 70 cm, gerahmt
1+1 ap
Lulz (3)
2009, C-Print hinter Acrylglas kaschiert
100 x 70 cm, gerahmt
1+1 ap
2130, Performance, 13.03.2009
ausgeführt von/performed by Inka Meißner
Galerie b2_
A SPOT OF TURF FOULED BY is about /b/.

/b/ is an image board, an Internet forum where images can be anonymously posted and commented. /b/ is categorised as ‘random’, which essentially means ‘everything is permitted’, excepting one single criterion of exclusion – ‘CP’, child pornography. What mainly distinguishes /b/ from other websites is its popularity and its lingual and visual violence. /b/ is the arsehole of the Internet.

At the same time, /b/ is a particularly contemporary way of exhibiting. The sites exhibition is constantly kept up to date by the user community, who subject the contents and regulations to emphatically engaged discussion. The consequent effects are more far reaching than those of other types of exhibition: /b/ generates communities on a larger scale and ramifies more forcefully back onto ‘real life’ as would be possible for most other forms of exhibition.
The exhibition A SPOT OF TURF FOULED BY should be read as referring to /b/ in its capacity as a new exhibition-form, but doing this in the old form.

Compared with /b/, A SPOT OF TURF FOULED BY is an always belated reflection that plays the game according to the old rules while perfectly aware of the new ones.

/b/ occupies an important place in the lives of a large sum of people. There thus emerges a perspective which affords /b/ greater protection from ridiculousness than other exhibitions.
A SPOT OF TURF FOULED BY, as an exhibition relating to /b/, is also about the ridiculousness of doing an exhibition and, further, about the ridiculousness of doing an exhibition about the ridiculousness of doing exhibitions. This would be the bad joke, that /b/ would give a swerve to.

At the same time, the exhibition A SPOT OF TURF FOULED BY is a portrait of /b/, a somehow solarised one; it’s actually more a solarisation than a portrait. This solarised portrait shows a grimace, the grimace of that which /b/ refers to... everything (‘random’). As such, the portrait shows the face of that which could be referred to as Late Capitalism. To use the language of /b/, late Capitalism is late. This show about /b/ is about lateness, about the autumn of a friendship with something that sometimes looks like /b/.

Nicola Brunnhuber
There are two things you have to understand in order to be able to at least partly follow what I am about to say. Firstly, there is this serious Internet there with this Imageboard (ein Wort?).
Secondly, you have a relation to figures from theatre, that you actually don’t really like but can’t be indifferent about either. Thirdly, you should look again very closely; once again we have ‘hidden’ some things.
You will find the first half hour difficult but do yourself the favour of enjoying it.

I was recently at Andreas’ and later this group of people came along from somewhere and were asking themselves how much money the apartment must be worth now, with Davids wall painting. No idea where they suddenly came from. They would have accepted me into there shitty club in snowball style but on that evening I really wasn’t in the mood. Apart from that, I had brought my own ice cubes with me. Somehow they just stayed on without drawing further attention.
Or maybe I just left too early.

Alexander Hempel


Tags: Hans-Christian Lotz