

17 - 28 Feb 2009

Symmetrical Procedure CH-19-9, 2008
48,3 x 48,3 cm, graphite on paper
Symmetriacl Procedure BKS-30-1, 2008
76,5 x 76,5 cm, graphite on paper
Bicameral Symmetries

“Poetry is having nothing to say, and saying it”... John Cage.

“Symmetry is in space, what rhythm is in time”... E. d’Eichtal

“The secret of equilibrium is perfect conflict...
between anticipation and surprise”....V. Zo

“If freedom is an illusion, then faking it is the next best thing”... me.

I’m interested in simplicity, like the wheel for example.
I’m interested in the transformation of carbon, from soft dark graphite to hard clear diamonds ....of swirling imagination to crystallized image.
I’m interested in the very very large and the very very small.
I’m interested in choices, and choosing.
I’m interested in having something to laugh at every day, and something to cry about.
Judith Braun

Tags: John Cage