Generali Foundation

... Concept has never meant horse.

15 Sep - 17 Dec 2006

... Concept has never meant horse.
Exhibtion Duration: 15 September - 17 December 2006

With ...CONCEPT HAS NEVER MEANT HORSE, opening on September 14, 2006, the Generali Foundation is showing the third in a series of exhibitions on themes of the Generali Foundation Collection

After two exhibitions displaying specific aspects of the Collection—COLLECTED VIEWS FROM EAST OR WEST, in 2004, and HOW SOCIETY AND POLITICS GET IN THE PICTURE, in 2005—the present exhibitions addresses questions concerning Conceptual art. Its title is taken from "Achtung!", a text by French Conceptual art pioneer Daniel Buren, and is a reference to the contradictions that have characterized the discussions over Conceptual art since the 1960s.

In conjunction with its collection of art, the Generali Foundation has in recent years been acquiring historical art magazines, artists’ books, and other rare ephemera. Materials from this collection, otherwise accessible in the study room and only by appointment, will be made available to a wider audience in the reading zone, as will be the "Lesezimmer II" (Reading Room II) of the Künstlerhaus Stuttgart. The displays in the reading zone were designed by Heimo Zobernig.

Henrik Olesen, Information is content. Content is Fiction. Content is Messy.

Works by Fareed Armaly, Robert Barry, Pauline Boudry/Brigitta Kuster/Renate Lorenz, Gottfried Bechtold, Kaucyila Brooke, Alice Creischer/Andreas Siekmann, Maria Eichhorn, Andrea Fraser, Dan Graham, Hans Haacke, Mary Kelly, John Knight, Julius Koller, Jarosław Kozłowski, Richard Kriesche, Hans Küng/Dorit Margreiter/Florian Pumhösl/Mathias Poledna, David Lamelas, Dorit Margreiter, Sergey Maslov&Elena Vorobyeva/Viktor Vorobyev, Henrik Olesen, Adrian Piper, Martha Rosler, Allan Sekula, Goran Trbuljak, Tucumán Arde (Archiv Graciela Carnevale), Mierle Laderman Ukeles and Heimo Zobernig

Artistic and Managing Director: Sabine Breitwieser
Curators: Sabine Breitwieser, Cosima Rainer

Tags: Fareed Armaly, Robert Barry, Gottfried Bechtold, Kaucyila Brooke, Daniel Buren, Graciela Carnevale, Alice Creischer, Maria Eichhorn, Andrea Fraser, Dan Graham, Hans Haacke, Mary Kelly, John Knight, Július Koller, Richard Kriesche, G. Küng, David Lamelas, Dorit Margreiter, Henrik Olesen, Adrian Piper, Mathias Poledna, Florian Pumhösl, Rainer Fetting, Martha Rosler, Allan Sekula, Andreas Siekmann, Goran Trbuljak, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Heimo Zobernig