Hamburger Bahnhof

Architektonika 2

05 Apr 2012 - 13 Jan 2013

© Marjetica Potrč
Curated by Gabriele Knapstein, curatorial assistance: Matilda Felix
5 April 2012 - 13 January 2013

Architektonika displays works from both the Friedrich Christian Flick Collection im Hamburger Bahnhof and the Nationalgalerie's own collections as well as selected works on loan, which all draw on architecture through different approaches. Sculptural and photographic works, films and paintings illustrate how differently artists have approached the interface between art and architecture since the 1960s. Last year, the emphasis was placed on the sculptural and visual qualities of architectural structures; this year the central question is how architecture defines urban space, the way we live, and thus also social structures.

Works by Absalon, Jürgen Albrecht, Carl Andre, Stan Douglas, Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani, Peter Fischli / David Weiss, Isa Genzken, Dan Graham, Rachel Khedoori, Sol LeWitt, Gordon Matta-Clark, Bruce Nauman, Roman Ondák, Manfred Pernice, Andrea Pichl, Hermann Pitz, Dieter Roth & Björn Roth, Anri Sala, Albrecht Schäfer, Thomas Schütte, Thomas Struth, James Turell, Jeff Wall and Tobias Zielony are presented. Marjetica Potrč developed specifically for this exhibition an architectural sculpture, which is designed on the principle of the "growing house".

The works of art are arranged in dialogue with four cabinet rooms with architectural designs by Gerhard Siegmann, Dieter Bahlo, Georg Heinrichs, Wolfgang Döring, Walter Jonas and Archigram, which show existing and utopian residential complexes. They deal with the consequences of economic crises and war, as well as they focus on the relationship between environment and urban space, the growing traffic volume and the increasing housing density.

Tags: Absalon, Carl Andre, Archigram, Stan Douglas, Isa Genzken, Dan Graham, Rachel Khedoori, Gabriele Knapstein, Gabriele Knapstein, Sol LeWitt, Gordon Matta-Clark, Bruce Nauman, Roman Ondák, Manfred Pernice, Andrea Pichl, Hermann Pitz, Marjetica Potrc, Dieter Roth, Anri Sala, Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani, Nina Fischer / Maroan El Sani, Albrecht Schäfer, Thomas Schütte, Thomas Struth, Jeff Wall, Fischli & Weiss, Tobias Zielony