Pirelli HangarBicocca

Jean Tinguely

10 Oct 2024 - 02 Feb 2025

Jean Tinguely
Méta-Maxi, 1986
Installation view, Pirelli HangarBicocca,
Milan, 2024
On loan from the Mercedes-Benz Art
Courtesy Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan
Jean Tinguely: © SIAE, 2024
Photo Agostino Osio
Jean Tinguely
Philosophers series (1988-89)
Pjotr Kropotkin, Philosopher, 1988
Henri Bergson, Philosopher, 1988
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosopher, 1988
Wedekind, Philosopher, 1988-89
Installation view, Pirelli HangarBicocca,
Milan, 2024
Museum Tinguely, Basel. Donation Niki
de Saint Phalle. A cultural commitment of
Courtesy Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan
Jean Tinguely: © SIAE, 2024
Photo Agostino Osio
Jean Tinguely
Requiem pour une feuille morte, 1967
Installation view, Pirelli HangarBicocca,
Milan, 2024
Collection Fonds Renault pour l’art et la
culture, France
Courtesy Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan
Jean Tinguely: © SIAE, 2024
Photo Agostino Osio
Jean Tinguely
Cercle et carré-éclates, 1981
Installation view, Pirelli HangarBicocca,
Milan, 2024
MAH, Musée d’art et d’histoire, Ville de
Courtesy Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan
Jean Tinguely: © SIAE, 2024
Photo Agostino Osio
Jean Tinguely
Plateau agriculturel, 1978
Installation view, Pirelli HangarBicocca,
Milan, 2024
Museum Tinguely, Basel. Donation
Micheline und Claude Renard. A cultural
commitment of Roche
Courtesy Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan
Jean Tinguely: © SIAE, 2024
Photo Agostino Osio
Jean Tinguely
Exhibition view, Pirelli HangarBicocca,
Milan, 2024
Courtesy Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan
Jean Tinguely: © SIAE
Jean Tinguely
Méta-Maxi, 1986 (detail)
Installation view, Pirelli HangarBicocca,
Milan, 2024
On loan from the Mercedes-Benz Art
Courtesy Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan
Jean Tinguely: © SIAE, 2024
Photo Agostino Osio
Jean Tinguely
Pit-Stop, 1984
Installation view, Pirelli HangarBicocca,
Milan, 2024
Museum Tinguely, Basel. Donation Niki
de Saint Phalle. A cultural commitment of
Courtesy Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan
Jean Tinguely: © SIAE, 2024
Photo Agostino Osio
Jean Tinguely
Café Kyoto, 1987
Installation view, Pirelli HangarBicocca,
Milan, 2024
Museum Tinguely, Basel. Donation Niki
de Saint Phalle. A cultural commitment of
Courtesy Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan
Jean Tinguely: © SIAE, 2
Jean Tinguely
Exhibition view, Pirelli HangarBicocca,
Milan, 2024
Foreground: Mercédès, 1991
Background: Vive Marcel Duchamp,
Private collection, Switzerland
Courtesy Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan
Jean Tinguely: © SIAE, 2024
Photo Agostino Osio
Jean Tinguely (Fribourg, 1925 – Bern, 1991) is considered one of the great pioneering artists of the 20th century. As one of the most important exponents of kinetic art, he revolutionized the concept of the artwork itself. At the heart of his work is the exploration of the machine, its function and movement, its noises and sounds, and its inherent poetry. Tinguely was one of the first artists to use found objects, gears, and other materials, which he then welded together to create noisy, cacophonous working machines equipped with real motors. His sculptures also have a performative quality because of their constant movement and the peculiar way in which they engage the audience. Gears, especially the wheel, are often the basic element in the works of Tinguely, who deliberately disrupts their conventional function, liberating the machine from the “tyranny of utility” and encouraging the unexpected and ephemeral in his absurd, surprising contraptions.

The exhibition at Pirelli HangarBicocca is the most comprehensive retrospective held in Italy since the artist’s death and features more than forty works from the 1950s to the 1990s, which fill almost the entire 5,000 square meters of the Navate. The exhibition moves through a single sonic and visual choreography consisting of works in various formats, some even monumental, through which sound as well as dynamic and color components emerge, together with Tinguely’s forerunning expressivity. The mechanical works establish a spontaneous connection with the vastness of the former industrial space of Pirelli HangarBicocca, offering the public the possibility to engage with and deeply explore the Swiss artist’s practice. His approach to art was intentionally detached from authorship, and therefore never unambiguous and definitive. Often realized as performance and sometimes set in public spaces, his art was transitory yet engaging and fascinating, thanks to its interactive elements.

Curated by Camille Morineau, Lucia Pesapane and Vicente Todolí with Fiammetta Griccioli

The exhibition is organized in collaboration with Museum Tinguely, Basel and it is part of the tinguely100 programme.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a catalogue (Italian and English) published by Marsilio Arte, with contributions by Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, Camille Morineau, Lucia Pesapane, Renzo Piano, Annalisa Rimmaudo, Vicente Todolí, and Melissa Warak.

Tags: Camille Morineau, Lucia Pesapane, Jean Tinguely, Vicente Todolí