Hayward Gallery

The Horned Skullship

04 - 06 Sep 2009


Friday 4 September 2009 - Sunday 6 September 2009 , 10am - Close

London-based artist Tessa Farmer uses insect carcasses, plant roots and other found natural materials to create The Horned Skullship, a hanging installation depicting a nightmare fairytale. A swarm of skeleton fairies ride to battle in a skullship, constructed from a ram’s skull. This ship is flown by beetles, butterflies and dragonflies harnessed to the bone, and contains a wasps' nest, serving to hold various small insects used for food, torture and experimentation. The Skullship is pursued and surrounded by a swarm of carnivorous insects. Most end up as prey themselves, speared by the fairies with hedgehog spines or caught in cobwebs stolen from spiders, now mobilised by the fairies.

Tags: Tessa Farmer