Frances Stark

12 - 23 Oct 2011

My Best Thing, Dir. Frances Stark, 2011. Courtesy of the artist, Marc Foxx, Los Angeles, Gavin Brown's Enterprise, New York, greengrassi, London and Daniel Buchholz, Berlin.
My Best Thing
12 - 23 October 2011

A conversation between two online avatars on a dating website, which develops into a masturbatory love affair between a woman and a younger man, is the subject of Frances Stark’s My Best Thing, an animated single-channel video.

Through the medium of animation, Stark raises questions about the difference between therapeutic confession and performance. In the midst of a creative crisis, the woman flirts with the idea of an artistic collaboration with Marcello, an Italian filmmaker she has become acquainted in a video chat room. Marcello then drops out of sight. However, the woman then encounters another man whom she mistakes for Marcello and who turns out to be a spiritually bored son of an auteur director. My Best Thing was previewed in ILLUMInations at the 54th Venice Biennale.

Tags: Frances Stark