
ICEBREAKER - The Arrival

Join us to celebrate the advent at Berlin's newly re-errected castle, take a trip in the camera obscura boat and dance with us at Bootshaus Spreefeld.

26 Nov 2022

ICBREAKER establishing contact with natives in Neu Venedig
(photo: Kevin McElvaney)
ICEBREAKER expedition will arrive at Berlin's heartland and discover Museum Island. It is the final chapter of our arduous journey after launching at Kalksee, exploring Neu Venedig (formerly Neu Kamerun) and allot settlements, making contact with autochtonous inhabitants along the river banks.

On Saturday the 8m high inflatable garden gnome by Albrecht/Wilke and the expanded group show „Blue Horizons (Keen Hawaii)“ will arrive at Museum Island. Join to celebrate the arrival of the enormous King Garden Gnome. There will be Toast Hawaii, the floating exhibition „Blue Horizons (Keen Hawaii)“ aboard, trips in the center of power and a special cruise on the Camera Obscura Boat.

Together with Maciej Markowicz and the Moving Camera team we invite you to an evening boat cruise on the Spree river between Museum Island and Bundestag with projections into Berlin's Riverscapes.

Floating group show „Blue Horizons (Keen Hawaii)" with:

Uros Djurovic, Amelie Esterhazy, Christopher Gerberding, Christian Jankowski, Sven-Julien Kanclerski, Andy Kassier, Lucia Kempkes, Alicja Kwade, Jeewi Lee, Anna Ley, Arne Mier, Charlie Stein, Jorinde Voigt, Cora Wöllenstein

From 18.00 till 22:00 we invite you to warm up and celebrate at Bootshaus Spreefeld with FRZNTE, drinks and more art & Toast Hawaii.


Saturday, 26.11.
11:00 - 16:00 ICEBREAKER expedition arrives at Museum Island and will explore its shore and waters around - with Toast Hawaii, the expanded group show „Blue Horizons (Keen Hawaii)" and you!
16:00 Sparkling lights, shore projections and boat rides with the Obscuraboat and return of the boats
18:00 - 22:00 Celebration of the triumphal return at Bootshaus Spreefeld with drinks, Toast Hawaii and FRZNTE on the decks!

From 11:00
Gegenüber Humboldt Forum, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 1a und rund um die Museumsinsel

From 18:00
Bootshaus Spreefeld, Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 14