
T20 in invaliden1

04 - 25 Apr 2009


by Fod / María Ortega / Kaoru Katayama

Exhibition April 4th - April 25th 2009
Opening Friday, April 3th, 2009, 7pm

As an answer to the exhibition “Invaliden1 in T20“ shown during march in the spanish Gallery T20, this exhibition takes place under the title “T20 in Invaliden1“, bringing together the works of María Ortega (drawing), Kaoru Katayama (video) and Fod (painting) in the Berlin ́s Gallery Invaliden1. With this two shows the intention has been not to make a common collective show, but to transfer the global identity of each art space out of there usual location. So is why these three artists have been selected, as they are really significant in the work T20 has been developing over more than ten years, although languages and techniques are different, conferring more wealth to the proposal.

T20 is an international art gallery placed in Spain, focused since the beginning in the promotion and spreading of young artists work.

María Ortega (Spain 1972) shows a drawing installation in which explores the everyday environment that surrounds us, scrutinizing the tracks left by our present. This is to be understood as an addition of objects, arguments artifacts that try to fulfill of meanings our contemporaneity, taking the shape of an underground here and now, shapes, colors and structures succession, that removed from it ́s verbal warper, find an esthetic experience in which matters the instant, the fleeting.

Kaoru Katayama (Japan 1966) presents the video “When the east wind blows on the horse ́s ear“: Ba ji toh fuh, is a japanese refrain that gives the title to the video; the essential concept is the non communication, in which the artist frequently investigates in his works.

Fod (Spain 1973) shows a poliptic in which lines, geometry and perspective bring the spectator into a thought about memory and architecture, that goes further than the strictively formal.