15. Istanbul Biennial
A Good Neighbour
16 Sep - 12 Nov 2017

Friends and Strangers, 2017 4 Archival pigment prints, folio wall paper 6 x 4m, 3 Archival pigment prints 120 x 120 cm, Website (www.friendsandstrangers.net) Produced with the support of SAHA – Supporting Contemporary Art from Turkey. Photograph: Sahir Uğur Eren

Dirty Box, 2016 Mixed-media installation 141 x 138 x 58 cm Courtesy of the artist Presented with the support of SAHA – Supporting Contemporary Art from Turkey. Photograph: Sahir Uğur Eren

House, 2013–16 Scaffolding, plaster casts, stainless steel, water Dimensions variable Courtesy of the artist Presented with the support of the Danish Arts Foundation. Photograph: Sahir Uğur Eren

Wonderland, 2016 Single-channel HD video, 03:54 min. Courtesy of the artist Presented with the support of SAHA – Supporting Contemporary Art from Turkey.

As Birds Flying, 2016 Single-channel video, 6:50 min. Courtesy of the artist
Presented with the support of Zilberman Gallery and Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen.

Scenario in the Shade, 2015–17 Mixed-media installation Dimensions variable Courtesy of the artists and Marlborough Contemporary Photograph: Sahir Uğur Eren

Continuouslessness, 2011–17 Mixed-media installation Dimensions variable Courtesy of the artist
and ChertLüdde (Berlin) Produced with the support of Adam Mickiewicz Institute. Presented with the support of the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen and British Council. Photograph: Sahir Uğur Eren

Our Family Lost, 2017 Mixed media Dimensions variable Courtesy of the artist Produced with the support of Phileas - A Fund for Contemporary Art and The Federal Chancellery of Austria.
Photograph: Sahir Uğur Eren

Lawn 1, 2016/17 Wood, 3.168 broken Coca Cola glass bottles, petrol, ink 25.5 x 484 x 366 cm
Courtesy of the artist Photograph: Sahir Uğur Eren
A Good Neighbour
16 September - 12 November 2017
Is a good neighbour someone you rarely see?
Is a good neighbour a family without pets?
Is a good neighbour someone who just moved in?
Is a good neighbour reading the same newspaper as you?
Is a good neighbour important to you?
Is a good neighbour your friend on Facebook?
Is a good neighbour active in your local community?
Is a good neighbour slower or faster than you?
Is a good neighbour a reminder of how things used to be?
Is a good neighbour someone who would never complain?
Is a good neighbour genderless?
Is a good neighbour someone who makes you feel at home, while you listen to low voices through the wall?
Is a good neighbour a woman in love, humming as she prepares a meal for her girlfriend?
Is a good neighbour the homeless guy next to you?
Is a good neighbour someone with no WiFi password and a strong signal?
Is a good neighbour a person who has never thrown a party?
Is a good neighbour someone with a bigger family than yours?
Is a good neighbour wearing headphones?
Is a good neighbour a man with a gun to protect his property?
Is a good neighbour richer or poorer than you?
Is a good neighbour older than you, with a different sense of rhythm—over there, the turntable visibly spinning, while you’re wireless?
Is a good neighbour leaving you alone?
Is a good neighbour someone who collects your mail when you’re on holiday?
Is a good neighbour just one of those sentimental childhood memories?
Is a good neighbour someone who just moved out?
Is a good neighbour from a neighbouring country?
Is a good neighbour an elderly widow who seldom goes out?
Is a good neighbour willing to babysit your 5-year-old?
Is a good neighbour someone who has a “Close The Borders” sticker on their car?
Is a good neighbour a collector of odd items displayed in her window?
Is a good neighbour cooking for you when you’re sick?
Is a good neighbour tuned in to the same channel as you, watching from a sofa almost like yours, bought from a similar chain store?
Is a good neighbour just some shadows cast on the rolled-down blinds next door?
Is a good neighbour a champion of good taste?
Is a good neighbour patiently listening to the same story that you’ve told so many times before?
Is a good neighbour signing the petition against the landlord raising the rents once again?
Is a good neighbour someone who leaves his shoes outside the door?
Is a good neighbour someone who lives the same way as you?
Is a good neighbour too much to ask for?
Is a good neighbour a stranger you don’t fear?
Elmgreen & Dragset
List of artists:
Galata Greek Primary School
Heba Y. Amin
Born in Cairo, lives in Berlin
Mark Dion
Born in New Bedford, Massachusetts, lives in New York, NY
Jonah Freeman & Justin Lowe
Born in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Dayton, Ohio, both live in New York, NY
Kasia Fudakowski
Born in London, lives in Berlin
Pedro Gómez-Egaña
Born in Bucaramanga, lives between Bergen and Copenhagen
Lungiswa Gqunta
Born in Port Elizabeth, lives in Cape Town
Andrea Joyce Heimer
Born in Great Falls, Montana, lives in Ferndale, Washington
Morag Keil & Georgie Nettell
Born in Edinburgh and Bedford, both live in London
Olaf Metzel
Born in Berlin, lives in Munich
Mahmoud Obaidi
Born in Baghdad, lives in Burlington, Ontario
Erkan Özgen
Born in Mardin, lives in Diyarbakır
Leander Schönweger
Born in Meran, lives in Vienna
Dan Stockholm
Born in Thisted, lives in Copenhagen
Ali Taptık
Born in Istanbul, lives in Istanbul
Bilal Yılmaz
Born in Manisa, lives in Istanbul
Istanbul Modern
Adel Abdessemed
Born in Constantine, lives in London
Volkan Aslan
Born in Ankara, lives in Istanbul
Alper Aydın
Born in Ordu, lives between Ordu, Ankara, Konya, and Istanbul
Latifa Echakhch
Born in El Khnansa, lives in Martigny
Candeğer Furtun
Born in Istanbul, lives in Istanbul
Kim Heecheon
Born in Seoul, lives in Seoul
Mirak Jamal
Born in Tehran, lives in Berlin
Fernando Lanhas
Born in Porto, died in Porto
Victor Leguy
Born in Sao Paulo, lives in Sao Paulo
Klara Lidén
Born in Stockholm, lives in Berlin
Mahmoud Obaidi
Born in Baghdad, lives in Burlington, Ontario
Henrik Olesen
Born in Esbjerg, lives in Berlin
Lydia Ourahmane
Born in Saida, lives in Oran and London
Rayyane Tabet
Born in Ashquot, lives in Beirut
Young-Jun Tak
Born in Seoul, lives in Berlin
Kaari Upson
Born in San Bernadino, California, lives in Los Angeles, California
Kemang Wa Lehulere
Born in Cape Town, lives in Cape Town
Born in Luanda, lives in Harare
Xiao Yu
Born in Inner Mongolia, lives in Beijing
ARK Kültür
Mahmoud Khaled
Born in Alexandria, lives in Trondheim
Pera Museum
Monica Bonvicini
Born in Venice, lives in Berlin
Louise Bourgeois
Born in Paris, died in New York, NY
Njideka Akunyili Crosby
Born in Enugu, lives in Los Angeles, California
Alejandro Almanza Pereda
Born in Mexico City, lives in Guadalajara
Berlinde De Bruyckere
Born in Ghent, lives in Ghent
Vajiko Chachkhiani
Born in Tbilisi, lives in Berlin
Gözde İlkin
Born in Kütahya, lives in Istanbul
Liliana Maresca
Born in Buenos Aires, died in Buenos Aires
Lee Miller
Born in Poughkeepsie, New York, died in Chiddingly, East Sussex
Aude Pariset
Born in Versailles, lives in Berlin
Sim Chi Yin
Born in Singapore, lives in Beijing
Dayanita Singh
Born in New Delhi, lives in New Delhi
Tatiana Trouvé
Born in Cosenza, lives in Paris
Tsang Kinwah
Born in Shantou, lives in Hong Kong
Andra Ursuta
Born in Salonta, lives in New York, NY
Fred Wilson
Born in New York, NY, lives in New York, NY
Yoğunluk Atelier
Founded in Istanbul, live in Istanbul
Küçük Mustafa Paşa Hammam
Monica Bonvicini
Born in Venice, lives in Berlin
Stephen G. Rhodes
Born in Houston, Texas, lives in Berlin
Tuğçe Tuna
Born in Mons, lives in Istanbul
Outside all venues
Burçak Bingöl
Born in Giresun, lives in Istanbul
Lukas Wassmann
Born in Zurich, lives in Berlin