Henri Matisse
Figure Colour Space
29 Oct 2005 - 19 Feb 2006

Henri Matisse, Der Tanz, 1910, 260 x 391 cm , Öl auf Leinwand, Leihgeber: Staatliche Eremitage St. Petersburg © Succession H. Matisse / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
Viewers of paintings by Henri Matisse (1869-1954) are greeted by a paradise, an enchanting, carefree world peopled by women who repose, drowse, contemplate their surroundings, read, or engage in play. The feminine figure set within an enclosed space is the central motif in the creative work of this French artist. But the theme of women in an interior setting not only offers a wide-ranging introduction to Matisse ́s beguiling visual world. It also impressively illustrates his decisive overall contribution to the development of Modernism in painting.
K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen shows an exquisite selection of works by Matisse, on loan both from internationally renowned museums – in London, New York, Paris and St. Petersburg with key Modernist collections – and from private collectors. With approximately eighty paintings in all, this will be the first major Matisse exhibition seen in the German-speaking world in over twenty years. Supplementing the paintings will be a number of the artist ́s exceptional drawings and sculptures. More information www.henrimatisse.de
K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen shows an exquisite selection of works by Matisse, on loan both from internationally renowned museums – in London, New York, Paris and St. Petersburg with key Modernist collections – and from private collectors. With approximately eighty paintings in all, this will be the first major Matisse exhibition seen in the German-speaking world in over twenty years. Supplementing the paintings will be a number of the artist ́s exceptional drawings and sculptures. More information www.henrimatisse.de