Ane Mette Hol
18 Mar - 05 May 2012

© Ane Mette Hol
Concept of Light (Warm Light X), 2011
Single Frames (Original drawings), Dry pastel on Chromacolour Archival Animation Paper
27 × 32 cm
Concept of Light (Warm Light X), 2011
Single Frames (Original drawings), Dry pastel on Chromacolour Archival Animation Paper
27 × 32 cm
18 March - 5 May, 2012
Ane Mette Hol is engaged in drawing. In the history of art, drawing is regarded as the genre that directly transfers a pictorial concept to paper, even before a painting, sculpture or architecture is created. It is the transition, so to speak, from the artist ́s immaterial idea to the material world of things that can be perceived. However, upon first
glance, Ane Mette Hol ́s drawings seem to reproduce on paper that which already exists and mirror the objects seen by the artist. Yet drawing in the case of Ane Mette Hol is not limited to two dimensional graphics but extends from there into three-dimensionality in her objects and animations. The illusion of seemingly tangible objectiveness
culminates in her motifs that are taken from the context of art. Her earlier works look like painting grounds, roles of packing paper or drawings with packaging labels splattered with paint and left carelessly behind. But the surfaces of all these objects are in fact illusionary, along with their flaws and irregularities. The same is true of the supposed photocopies of popular art-theoretical literature or entire book covers of, for example, E.H. Gombrich ́s "Art and Illusion". The reproduction of entire drawing and note pads, as well as the pages of Word files that seem to have come empty from the printer and merely reveal the subtle traces of the printer almost mark a return to the "empty space" that exists prior to the origin of any concept.
The new animation and drawing series, "The Concept of Light (That will never exist)", currently on view in our gallery space Upstairs, appears to depict this conceptual and immaterial void, in which everything once again seems to be possible. What we see is the animation of the drawn light of a flickering, fluorescent light source that cannot be seen. The dark room reflects the spectrum of colours of the hidden light source and becomes a part of the artwork surrounding the viewers when they enter
the room. In the originally 24-part series of drawings, Ane Mette Hol reproduces the different spectrums of light in works titled, for example, "Cold Light III", "Warm/Cold Light II" or "Warm Light III". However, Ane Mette Hol ́s works are not based on the pure reproduction of what is given, they instead fathom in an autonomous, conceptual process the relations between the viewers and the world of things surrounding them, as well as the fine fissures in the boundaries between presentation and representation.
Ane Mette Hol (NO 1979, lives and works in Oslo) will present an Art Statement at this year’s Art Basel with her gallery Lautum in Oslo. In 2011 she was bestowed with the renowned Statoil Award and recently displayed works in the group show "Zeichnung?" at the Nürnberger Kunstverein. In 2012 she will participate, among others, in the group exhibition "Prisme" at the Museum for Contemporary Art in Oslo.
18 March - 5 May, 2012
Ane Mette Hol is engaged in drawing. In the history of art, drawing is regarded as the genre that directly transfers a pictorial concept to paper, even before a painting, sculpture or architecture is created. It is the transition, so to speak, from the artist ́s immaterial idea to the material world of things that can be perceived. However, upon first
glance, Ane Mette Hol ́s drawings seem to reproduce on paper that which already exists and mirror the objects seen by the artist. Yet drawing in the case of Ane Mette Hol is not limited to two dimensional graphics but extends from there into three-dimensionality in her objects and animations. The illusion of seemingly tangible objectiveness
culminates in her motifs that are taken from the context of art. Her earlier works look like painting grounds, roles of packing paper or drawings with packaging labels splattered with paint and left carelessly behind. But the surfaces of all these objects are in fact illusionary, along with their flaws and irregularities. The same is true of the supposed photocopies of popular art-theoretical literature or entire book covers of, for example, E.H. Gombrich ́s "Art and Illusion". The reproduction of entire drawing and note pads, as well as the pages of Word files that seem to have come empty from the printer and merely reveal the subtle traces of the printer almost mark a return to the "empty space" that exists prior to the origin of any concept.
The new animation and drawing series, "The Concept of Light (That will never exist)", currently on view in our gallery space Upstairs, appears to depict this conceptual and immaterial void, in which everything once again seems to be possible. What we see is the animation of the drawn light of a flickering, fluorescent light source that cannot be seen. The dark room reflects the spectrum of colours of the hidden light source and becomes a part of the artwork surrounding the viewers when they enter
the room. In the originally 24-part series of drawings, Ane Mette Hol reproduces the different spectrums of light in works titled, for example, "Cold Light III", "Warm/Cold Light II" or "Warm Light III". However, Ane Mette Hol ́s works are not based on the pure reproduction of what is given, they instead fathom in an autonomous, conceptual process the relations between the viewers and the world of things surrounding them, as well as the fine fissures in the boundaries between presentation and representation.
Ane Mette Hol (NO 1979, lives and works in Oslo) will present an Art Statement at this year’s Art Basel with her gallery Lautum in Oslo. In 2011 she was bestowed with the renowned Statoil Award and recently displayed works in the group show "Zeichnung?" at the Nürnberger Kunstverein. In 2012 she will participate, among others, in the group exhibition "Prisme" at the Museum for Contemporary Art in Oslo.