Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2022
06 Feb - 13 Mar 2022

Winner of the Talent Award 2022, Eva Rocco Kenell (SE), Territo Reell, 2021. Installation view, Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2022, Kunsthal Charlottenborg. Photo by Søren Rønholt.

Winner of the Solo Award 2022, Sergei Prokofiev (RU), FAN OF THE LAND, 2021 and FIREWORKS ON THE SWAMP, 2020. Installation view, Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2022, Kunsthal Charlottenborg. Photo by Søren Rønholt.

Winner of the Deep Forrest Art Land 2022, Eugenia Lim (AU), Olfactory, 2021. Installation view, Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2022, Kunsthal Charlottenborg. Photo by Søren Rønholt.

Felix Badman (SE) & Kristine Møller (DK), A tent, 2022. Installation view, Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2022, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, 2022. Photo by Søren Rønholt.

Sofie Flinth (DK), Photos from the series "When the Sun Sets", Installation view, Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2022, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, 2022. Photo by Søren Rønholt.

Davide Ronco (IT), Studio del Presente, 2020. Installation view, Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2022, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, 2022. Photo by Søren Rønholt.

Valdemar Bisgaard Thomsen (DK), Guldgraver graver guld i blinde, 2019. Installation view, Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2022, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, 2022. Photo by Søren Rønholt.

Serine Sinding Yde (DK), Arrangement, In Line, 2021. Installation view, Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2022, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, 2022. Photo by Søren Rønholt.

Mette Genet (DK), Eskista, 2021. Installation view, Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2022, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, 2022. Photo by Søren Rønholt.
Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2022 is curated by Hesselholdt & Mejlvang.
Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition is among the most important open, censored exhibitions in Europe and has been an annual recurring show at Kunsthal Charlottenborg since 1857. An international jury selects works from Danish as well as international artists from all over the world within the genres of visual art, architecture, crafts and design for the comprehensive exhibition. This year you can e.g. explore a range of video works unfold in the stunning space of Kunsthal Charlottenborg’s south wing. The works are chosen by an international jury, which this year consists of the artist duo Hesselholdt & Mejlvang, visual artist David Risley, architect Peter Bertram, textile artist Grethe Wittrock and visual artist Sophie Suaning.
This year’s three award winners are:
Solo Award winner Sergei Prokofiev (RU)
Deep Forest Art Land Award winner Eugenia Lim (AU)
Talent Award winner Eva Rocco Kenell (SE)
The participating artists are: Selina Rom Andersen (DK), Felix Badman (SE) & Kristine Møller (DK) Elina Birkehag (SE), Emilie Bobek (DK), Emilie Bobek & Josephine Rán Andredottir (DK), Alex Bunn (GB), Pernille Enoch (DK), Sofie Flinth (DK), Erik Fredens (DK), Mette Genet (DK), Marta Badenska Hammarberg (SE), Marianne Johnstad-Møller (DK), Christian Sønderby Jepsen (DK), Kim Kartholm (DK), Märta König (SE), Eva Rocco Kenell (SE), Tomoko Konae (JP), Helena Lagerqvist Kuoljok (SE), Anne Langgaard (DK), Eugenia Lim (AU), Minna Långström (FI), Tina Menore (DK / US), Veronika Nielsen (DK), Vibeke Nødskov (DK), Karl Persson (SE), Sophia Luna Portra (DK), Sergei Prokofiev (RU), Skjold Rambow (DK), Davide Ronco (IT), Raúl Rebolledo (MX), LA Ceramica. Louise Gaarmann & Alex Soza (DK), Philipp Spillman (NO), Valdemar Bisgaard (DK), Simo Tse (NL), Rexy Tseng (TW), Victor Vidal (DK),
Serine Sinding Yde (DK), Micke Zych (PL)
Supported by Augustinus Fonden, Axel Muusfeldts Fond, Beckett-Fonden, Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond af 1968, Det Obelske Familiefond, Dreyers Fond, Knud Højgaards Fond, Konsul George Jorck og Hustru Emma Jorck’s Fond, Statens Kunstfond, Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond.
Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition is among the most important open, censored exhibitions in Europe and has been an annual recurring show at Kunsthal Charlottenborg since 1857. An international jury selects works from Danish as well as international artists from all over the world within the genres of visual art, architecture, crafts and design for the comprehensive exhibition. This year you can e.g. explore a range of video works unfold in the stunning space of Kunsthal Charlottenborg’s south wing. The works are chosen by an international jury, which this year consists of the artist duo Hesselholdt & Mejlvang, visual artist David Risley, architect Peter Bertram, textile artist Grethe Wittrock and visual artist Sophie Suaning.
This year’s three award winners are:
Solo Award winner Sergei Prokofiev (RU)
Deep Forest Art Land Award winner Eugenia Lim (AU)
Talent Award winner Eva Rocco Kenell (SE)
The participating artists are: Selina Rom Andersen (DK), Felix Badman (SE) & Kristine Møller (DK) Elina Birkehag (SE), Emilie Bobek (DK), Emilie Bobek & Josephine Rán Andredottir (DK), Alex Bunn (GB), Pernille Enoch (DK), Sofie Flinth (DK), Erik Fredens (DK), Mette Genet (DK), Marta Badenska Hammarberg (SE), Marianne Johnstad-Møller (DK), Christian Sønderby Jepsen (DK), Kim Kartholm (DK), Märta König (SE), Eva Rocco Kenell (SE), Tomoko Konae (JP), Helena Lagerqvist Kuoljok (SE), Anne Langgaard (DK), Eugenia Lim (AU), Minna Långström (FI), Tina Menore (DK / US), Veronika Nielsen (DK), Vibeke Nødskov (DK), Karl Persson (SE), Sophia Luna Portra (DK), Sergei Prokofiev (RU), Skjold Rambow (DK), Davide Ronco (IT), Raúl Rebolledo (MX), LA Ceramica. Louise Gaarmann & Alex Soza (DK), Philipp Spillman (NO), Valdemar Bisgaard (DK), Simo Tse (NL), Rexy Tseng (TW), Victor Vidal (DK),
Serine Sinding Yde (DK), Micke Zych (PL)
Supported by Augustinus Fonden, Axel Muusfeldts Fond, Beckett-Fonden, Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond af 1968, Det Obelske Familiefond, Dreyers Fond, Knud Højgaards Fond, Konsul George Jorck og Hustru Emma Jorck’s Fond, Statens Kunstfond, Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond.