The 80s Revisited
13 Mar - 19 Jun 2011

Julian Schnabel
Tina in a Matador Hat (detail), 1987
© VG Bild/Kunst Bonn 2011
courtesy Bischofberger Collection, Zürich
Tina in a Matador Hat (detail), 1987
© VG Bild/Kunst Bonn 2011
courtesy Bischofberger Collection, Zürich
13 March – 19 June 2011
On Sunday, March 13, 2011, the Kunsthalle Bielefeld will open its newest exhibition, The 80s Revisited: The Bischofberger Collection II. This show marks the apex of our two-part presentation of works by the most important painters of the 1980s, on loan from the private collection of Swiss art dealer Bruno Bischofberger.While the first part focused mainly on works by young German and Italian artists, the second part concentrates on major figures from the New York art scene. Andy Warhol is represented by numerous works, as is Jean-Michel Basquiat, Julian Schnabel, George Condo, David Salle, Mike Bidlo, and Miquel Barceló.
At the center of the show is Bischofberger’s close relationship to Warhol, whom he began representing in 1967. Besides the “Collaborations,” Bischofberger also began encouraging the American artist in the 1970s to try new forms of portrait art, which ultimately resulted in paintings of Bischofberger’s children and — in a kind of homage to the children — an exhibition in which the paintings were displayed at children’s eye level.
These works, many of them extremely large, document the energy and achievements of the 1980s. Warhol made a conspicuous return to painting from the Factory, which was regarded as a place for making silk screens and films. Basquiat translated the themes and symbols of street graffiti into his own, very personal paintings, while Bidlo asked, through his Appropriation Art, what was original about, say, Picasso, and what was copied. Schnabel elevated painting — long declared dead — to a hotly debated high point in history. In his paintings George Condo took a postmodern ride through art history, while David Salle played with the world of hybrid media. The works of these artists contain a mix of high culture and street art, as well as a passion for painting combined with a sense of cool distance.
13 March – 19 June 2011
On Sunday, March 13, 2011, the Kunsthalle Bielefeld will open its newest exhibition, The 80s Revisited: The Bischofberger Collection II. This show marks the apex of our two-part presentation of works by the most important painters of the 1980s, on loan from the private collection of Swiss art dealer Bruno Bischofberger.While the first part focused mainly on works by young German and Italian artists, the second part concentrates on major figures from the New York art scene. Andy Warhol is represented by numerous works, as is Jean-Michel Basquiat, Julian Schnabel, George Condo, David Salle, Mike Bidlo, and Miquel Barceló.
At the center of the show is Bischofberger’s close relationship to Warhol, whom he began representing in 1967. Besides the “Collaborations,” Bischofberger also began encouraging the American artist in the 1970s to try new forms of portrait art, which ultimately resulted in paintings of Bischofberger’s children and — in a kind of homage to the children — an exhibition in which the paintings were displayed at children’s eye level.
These works, many of them extremely large, document the energy and achievements of the 1980s. Warhol made a conspicuous return to painting from the Factory, which was regarded as a place for making silk screens and films. Basquiat translated the themes and symbols of street graffiti into his own, very personal paintings, while Bidlo asked, through his Appropriation Art, what was original about, say, Picasso, and what was copied. Schnabel elevated painting — long declared dead — to a hotly debated high point in history. In his paintings George Condo took a postmodern ride through art history, while David Salle played with the world of hybrid media. The works of these artists contain a mix of high culture and street art, as well as a passion for painting combined with a sense of cool distance.