Kunsthalle Düsseldorf

Karl Schmidt Rottluff Stipend

04 Feb - 09 Apr 2012

© Roland Gätzschmann
ohne Titel, 2011
Wachs, Pigment, MDF
4 February – 9 April,2012

Wi­th the ex­hi­bi­ti­on of works by the Schmidt-Rott­luff Sti­pend hol­ders, the Kunst­hal­le con­ti­nues a long­stan­ding tra­di­ti­on. The ar­tists grant awar­ded every two ye­ars is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by an im­par­ti­al view of a strin­gent in­di­vi­du­al
achie­ve­ment. The ex­hi­bi­ti­on pres­ents cur­rent works by the sti­pend hol­der from 2008 and 2010.

The fi­ligree drawings by Kat­ja Eckert (born 1976) are de­ter­mined by re­du­ced but dis­tinc­tive forms as well as fa­bu­lous and in part am­bi­guous mo­tifs. They ge­ne­ra­te a la­tent ten­si­on, oscil­la­ting in space bet­ween nar­ra­ti­on and ab­strac­tion. Ro­land Gätz­sch­mann’s (born 1979)
se­ri­al two-co­lour works im­press the view­er wi­th their spe­cial ma­te­ria­li­ty and pre­cise as­sem­bly: The ar­ran­ge­ment of 216 squa­re wax pla­tes each pro­du­ce a rhythm re­cal­ling pic­to­ri­al nu­me­ri­cal se­quen­ces. Freya Hat­ten­ber­ger’s (born 1978) vi­de­os and pho­to­graphs play­ful­ly ex­ami­ne the lo­ca­ti­on of the bo­dy in space: A re­flec­tion space dea­ling wi­th the pre­re­qui­si­tes of ar­tis­tic crea­ti­vi­ty co­mes about to the extent that the ar­tist hers­elf be­co­mes a part of her works. So­ci­al and so­ci­al­ly cri­ti­cal ques­ti­ons are con­cea­led be­hind Sven Joh­ne’s (born 1976) se­ri­al pho­to­graphs, the mo­tifs of which in­iti­al­ly seem light and poe­tic. Most of his works evol­ve from com­pre­hen­si­ve re­se­arch and ar­chi­val work. Ali­cja Kwa­de’s (born 1979) sculp­tu­ral sta­gings pre­sent ever­y­day ob­jects in a new way: The laws of phy­sics seem to ha­ve be­en sus­pen­ded when forms ma­de out of wood, steel, glass, light tu­bes and bron­ze or­bit around a fic­titious midd­le point. Cath­le­en Schus­ter’s (born 1977) vi­de­os po­se ques­ti­ons on glo­bal mar­ket struc­tu­res and their im­pact on so­cie­ty. Ba­sed on ar­chi­val ma­te­ri­al as well as her own pho­to­graphs, she de­picts bleak ur­ban land­scapes. The lar­ge-for­mat pain­tings by Si­byl­le Sprin­ger (born 1975) are open in­ter­pre­ta­ti­on sur­faces that see­mingly on­ly sug­gest space and ob­ject. The as­so­cia­ti­ve power of her acryl­ic and wa­ter­co­lour land­scapes is fur­ther heigh­te­ned by such sug­ges­ti­ve tit­les as Whi­te Noi­se and Burst. The psy­che­de­lic vi­deo and sound pie­ce by Eva Tep­pe (born 1973), in which fi­ne ster­ling cut­le­ry ho­vers weight­less in space, pro­du­ces a scur­ri­lous at­mo­s­phe­re that is tied to rea­li­ty as so­on as the view­er dis­co­vers the sil­ver­wa­re outside the black box.

The ex­hi­bi­ti­on has be­en or­ga­nis­ed in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on wi­th the Karl Schmidt-Rott­luff Ad­van­ce­ment Fo­un­da­ti­on that ge­ne­rous­ly sup­ports the pro­ject.

Tags: Karl Schmidt-Rottluff