Regionale 14
29 Nov 2013 - 05 Jan 2014

Regionale 14, Jenseits des Rahmens, Installationsansicht Kunstverein Freiburg, 2013
Foto: Marc Doradzillo
Foto: Marc Doradzillo
Beyond the Frame
Olga Allenstein (D), Diane Augier (F), Marion Cros (F), Eva Gadient (CH), Émeline Galhac (F), Rodrigo Hernández (D), Andreas Kalbermatter (CH), Antoine Mathieu (F), Alexandra Meyer (CH), Aleschija Seibt (D), Jade Tang (F)
29 November 2013 – 5 January 2014
Caroline Käding, director
Jennifer Trauschke, Co-Curator
The works of the exhibition “Beyond the Frame“ examine the borders between art and its context. In doing so they innovatively highlight how it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between these two concepts which were once so clearly opposed. Representation has been re-thought and takes the form of a convivial but also hopeless modification of the everyday life which it attempts to imitate. A seemingly necessary consequence of this is the appearance of repetition, triviality and absurdity in a work of art. Artistic/artificial time is opposed with real time as if part of a quantum physics experiment where time and space are presented as independent concepts which are to be redefined. Patterns and forms of daily life are presented as artistic models in the medium of collage, film, performance and installation.
Beyond the Frame
Olga Allenstein (D), Diane Augier (F), Marion Cros (F), Eva Gadient (CH), Émeline Galhac (F), Rodrigo Hernández (D), Andreas Kalbermatter (CH), Antoine Mathieu (F), Alexandra Meyer (CH), Aleschija Seibt (D), Jade Tang (F)
29 November 2013 – 5 January 2014
Caroline Käding, director
Jennifer Trauschke, Co-Curator
The works of the exhibition “Beyond the Frame“ examine the borders between art and its context. In doing so they innovatively highlight how it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between these two concepts which were once so clearly opposed. Representation has been re-thought and takes the form of a convivial but also hopeless modification of the everyday life which it attempts to imitate. A seemingly necessary consequence of this is the appearance of repetition, triviality and absurdity in a work of art. Artistic/artificial time is opposed with real time as if part of a quantum physics experiment where time and space are presented as independent concepts which are to be redefined. Patterns and forms of daily life are presented as artistic models in the medium of collage, film, performance and installation.