Kunstverein Freiburg

Regionale 17

What to do with time

25 Nov 2016 - 08 Jan 2017

What to do with time, Installation view, 2016, Photo: Marc Doradzillo
What to do with time
25 November 2016 – 8 January 2017

Curators: Nila Weisser, Felizitas Diering

Optimizing processes, efficiency, permanent accessibility. The everyday life a race against time. But the more we save time the less we have it. The standard – and status formula: „No time left.“ Our past, data conserved and available. Projections have an influence of tomorrows actions. The present, a narrow range between before and after. How actually we handle time? What sort of relation we have with time? The exhibition Was tun mit der Zeit (What to do with time) discloses an area of conflicting themes, which makes visible the dialectics of rest and movement, deceleration and acceleration, incidence and duration, consistency and constant change.

Participating artist:
Daniela Brugger (CH), Chen Fei (DE), Andreas Frick (CH), Gertrud Genhart (CH), Karin Hochstatter (DE), Matias Huart (CH), Jorim Emanuel Huber (CH), Olga Jakob (DE), Sebastian Mundwiler (CH), Anne-Chantal Pitteloud (CH), Marion Ritzmann (CH), Ingrid Rodewald (FR), Letizia Romanini (FR), Frida Ruiz (DE), Raphael Spielmann ( DE), Patrick Steffen (CH), Fred Walter Uhlig (CH), Caroline von Gunten (CH), Umut Yasat (DE)

Tags: Chen Fei, Marion Ritzmann