Breaking News
09 Jun - 17 Jul 2011

Photo: Yutaka Takanashi: o. T., from the series "Toshi-e" (Towards the City), ca. 1971
© Yutaka Takanshi, courtesy Galerie Priska Pasquer
© Yutaka Takanshi, courtesy Galerie Priska Pasquer
Fukushima and the consequences
LEIKO IKEMURA invites artists and architects
9 June - 17 July, 2011
After the earthquake, the following tsunami and the nuclear disaster at Fukushima, Japanese artist Leiko Ikemura asks what importance art has in such a moment. Due to these recent occurrences, KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin interrupts the exhibition series KW69 to provide space for an interdisciplinary discourse.
Leiko Ikemura invites artists to react to the catastrophe in Japan and to illuminate the conflict between nature, progress, economy and the human. The exhibition will show works which reflect upon the current situation in Fukushima and Northern Japan, questioning our attitude towards the earth and the cycle of creation and destruction.
Participating artists
Curtis Anderson, Katharina Grosse, Leiko Ikemura, Jun Kaneko, Philipp von Matt, Boris Mikhailov, Daido Moriyama, Yoko Ono, Lieko Shiga, Stephanie Stein , Yutaka Takanashi, Shōmei Tōmatsu, Rosemarie Trockel, Donata Wenders, Wim Wenders.
The exhibition preludes a series of interdisciplinary theme evenings and discussions with architects about reconstruction, emergency accommodation, energy efficiency and nuclear power taking place at various venues in Berlin. To provide practical support to the people affected in Japan, Leiko Ikemura plans a benefit auction this fall.
Leiko Ikemura (born 1951) studied Spanish literature and painting in Japan and Spain. She has lived in Berlin and Cologne since 1990, and works in the fields of painting, sculpture, drawing and installation.
Fukushima and the consequences
LEIKO IKEMURA invites artists and architects
9 June - 17 July, 2011
After the earthquake, the following tsunami and the nuclear disaster at Fukushima, Japanese artist Leiko Ikemura asks what importance art has in such a moment. Due to these recent occurrences, KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin interrupts the exhibition series KW69 to provide space for an interdisciplinary discourse.
Leiko Ikemura invites artists to react to the catastrophe in Japan and to illuminate the conflict between nature, progress, economy and the human. The exhibition will show works which reflect upon the current situation in Fukushima and Northern Japan, questioning our attitude towards the earth and the cycle of creation and destruction.
Participating artists
Curtis Anderson, Katharina Grosse, Leiko Ikemura, Jun Kaneko, Philipp von Matt, Boris Mikhailov, Daido Moriyama, Yoko Ono, Lieko Shiga, Stephanie Stein , Yutaka Takanashi, Shōmei Tōmatsu, Rosemarie Trockel, Donata Wenders, Wim Wenders.
The exhibition preludes a series of interdisciplinary theme evenings and discussions with architects about reconstruction, emergency accommodation, energy efficiency and nuclear power taking place at various venues in Berlin. To provide practical support to the people affected in Japan, Leiko Ikemura plans a benefit auction this fall.
Leiko Ikemura (born 1951) studied Spanish literature and painting in Japan and Spain. She has lived in Berlin and Cologne since 1990, and works in the fields of painting, sculpture, drawing and installation.