La Casa Encendida

Ryan McGinness

Studio Franchise/Estudio franquicia

04 Feb - 04 Apr 2010

Studio Franchise/Estudio franquicia
4 February - 4 April 2010

This project offers a chance to experience the artist's creative process and presence during more than one month at La Casa Encendida, creating a space for dialogue with other visitors.

Studio Franchise is divided into three parts: the recreation of a workshop in one of the exhibition halls with its own set of rules, based on the artist's New York studio; an exhibition in progress that grows as new pieces are completed by McGinness and his collaborators (actually students enrolled in the workshop at La Casa Encendida); and a conventional exhibition featuring selected examples of his recent work.

However, the supposed practicality of the Studio Franchise concept is in fact pure abstraction. True to form, McGinness—who started out in graphic design—generates icons from the reality of artists today, torn between the desire for creative freedom and the need to adapt to a society where profitability is measured by different standards.

Tags: Ryan McGinness