Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

Museums in the 21st century

18 Jun - 14 Sep 2008

Concepts Projects Buildings

18/6 - 14/9

Today we build museums as castles and cathedrals were built in the past. They are often spectacular projects that put cities, regions and countries on the international map of culture and tourism.
But today’s museums are more than just part of the experience economy; and Louisiana's summer architecture exhibition gives a varied insight into 27 of the most interesting museum projects from the 21st century. There is great prestige connected with the building of museums and it attracts the world’s very best architects. The exhibition is therefore also a presentation of some of the finest projects from the top international architectural studios now acting worldwide in North America as well as in Europe, Australia and Asia.

Louisiana as a representative for the 20th century
From the start Louisiana helped to set the pace for the development of the museum concept of the late twentieth century. And that is why Louisiana itself is also part of the exhibition, as a representative of a distinctively democratic conception of museum architecture that also in the 21st century has had its dedicated successors.
Through animations, models, photographs, films and other visual media the exhibition tells the story of both finished museum buildings and projects that are still in progress or still only exist as ideas and sketches.
The main part of the exhibition has been curated by Art Centre Basel, Basel, Switzerland. Kjeld Kjeldsen, Louisiana, has curated the first and third section of the exhibition.