
The Photographer Julius Shulman

08 May - 01 Aug 2010

A Lifetime for Architecture
Curator: Dr. Christina Gräwe (DAM)
8 May – 1 August 2010

Parallel to the exhibition “Richard Neutra in Europe”, Marta Herford will present an exhibition with photos by the legendary photographer Julius Shulman compiled and curated by Deutsches Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt/Main (DAM). Shulman (1910-2009) covered the buildings of Richard Neutras and other protagonists of American Modernist architecture like no other photographer, thereby creating icons of the American way of life.

Just a few weeks before the archives of Julian Shulman (estimated at some 100,000 negatives) were handed over to the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles, the DAM had the opportunity to make an individual selection of photographs and to compile one of the most fascinating overviews of Shulman’s oeuvre (he died several months ago), a photographer who lent the architectural icons their very own sense of drama and poetry.

Tags: Julius Shulman