Kunstinstituut Melly


30 Apr - 01 Sep 2024

Exhibition overview KUK, 2024, Kunstinstitut Melly, Rotterdam. Photographer: Liza Wolters.
Exhibition overview KUK, 2024, Kunstinstitut Melly, Rotterdam. Photographer: Liza Wolters.
Exhibition overview KUK, 2024, Kunstinstitut Melly, Rotterdam. Photographer: Liza Wolters.
Exhibition overview KUK, 2024, Kunstinstitut Melly, Rotterdam. Photographer: Liza Wolters.
“Kijk” (Look), says Paul, as he takes out the pencil from his pocket. Just like that, the unsolvable problem you brought to him is figured out, with a drawing, a call, or a thing he has seemingly held onto for this exact moment. Paul van Gennip has worked for over 34 years at Kunstinstituut Melly as Deputy Director. As he retires, the book PAUL delves into his legacy, focusing on the everyday aspects that reflect his determination to make art happen.

Paul’s long-time colleagues, line kramer and marjolijn kok, who together form THE KOKRA FAMILY, were commissioned for the book to document the vast collection of objects Paul has accumulated at the institution over the years. They spent over a year developing the project, selecting and documenting more than 500 objects. A selection of this photographic series, accompanied by descriptions authored by Paul, is displayed in the exhibition. A few items from his collection are presented in their original form: as ‘things’. From a charred fuse to a chair from the (1995) exhibition of Paul Thek, these objects symbolize the institution's exhibition history

The exhibition is curated by Julija Mockutė in collaboration with THE KOKRA FAMILY and Paul van Gennip, with the assistance of Alexis Medina Trejo. Special thanks to 75B, Wendy van Slagmaat-Bos, Tubelight, and Jordy Walker.

Paul van Gennip, THE KOKRA FAMILY, Julija Mockute

Tags: Paul Thek