Micheline Szwajcer

Angela Bulloch

30 Oct - 05 Dec 2015

For her exhibition at Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Angela Bulloch presents a series of brand new sculptures. Stacked columns of polyhedra, formed in steel, corian or MDF are enhanced by a spectacular wall painting. Conceived and designed within a digital imaging program, this new body of sculptures, with their stylized geometry, electronic glow and manufactured surface sheen, might seem to refer to futurism, minimalism, technology and science.

This touches to one of the fundamental themes of Bulloch’s practice - the integration of the human subject with technology. Like in previous installations in which technology mediated our interaction with the work, Bulloch makes us co-producers. The flat planes and angles of each sculpture appear to animate as one moves around them. As with other works in her corpus, this playful optical effect belies a complexity; the sculptures are essentially generated by perfect equations, their flattening out into patterned surface points toward their origins as endlessly replicable simulations of depth and volume.

The sculptures are also subtly anthropomorphic, suggesting bodies or parts of bodies. Two of the sculptures entitled ‘Anima Sophia’ and ‘Animus Hermes’ make reference to Jung’s theory of archetypes: the male and female qualities that we subconsciously attribute to inanimate objects.

Tags: Angela Bulloch