Cy Twombly
20 May 2011 - 02 Jan 2012

Installation view of the exhibition, "Cy Twombly: Sculpture"
May 20, 2011–January 2, 2012. IN2159.6. Photograph by Jonathan Muzikar.
May 20, 2011–January 2, 2012. IN2159.6. Photograph by Jonathan Muzikar.
This installation, located outside the entrance to the fourth-floor Painting and Sculpture Galleries, highlights seven sculptures by Cy Twombly, all recent additions to the collection. Though best known for his paintings, Twombly has dedicated himself to making sculptures throughout his 60-year career. He composes his sculptures from found materials, small objects, scrap wood, and plaster, and typically covers the assembled forms with white paint, unifying the various humble materials and giving them an ethereal presence. Intimate in scale, Twombly’s sculptures engage in an ongoing dialogue with his paintings, several of which are also on view in the newly reinstalled fourth-floor collection galleries.