Museum für Gestaltung

Turn the Puppets Loose

05 May - 10 Sep 2017

Carl Fischer for the Schweizerisches Marionettentheater
Puppet Die böse Wirtin for Das Gotteskind by Emil Alfred Herrmann, 1928, Applied Arts Collection, Museum für Gestaltung
Composed scene from Zirkus Juhu oder Tiermensch und Menschentier
Blonda on Eisbär; Mähn, die Löwin; Jaffa, der Orang-Utan; Tropf, der Zirkusdirektor; Applied Arts Collection, Museum für Gestaltung
Sophie Taeuber Arp for the Swiss Werkbund Exhibition
Puppet Dr. Komplex for Carlo Gozzi’s König Hirsch, 1918, Applied Arts Collection, Museum für Gestaltung
Otto Morach for the Swiss Werkbund Exhibition
Puppets Tambour, Sergeant de ville, and Soldat anglais for Claude Debussy’s La boîte à joujoux, 1918, Applied Arts collection, Museum für Gestaltung
Alexandra Exter
Puppet for a film: Longhi I, 1926, Applied Arts Collection, Museum für Gestaltung
Composed scene from Das Eulenschloss
Baron Eulenschloss, his transformations Eule and Geheimsekretär Eulert; on the right, Kanzleirat Aktenmeier and Hofrat Federfuchser, Applied Arts Collection, Museum für Gestaltung
Sophie Taeuber Arp for the Swiss Werkbund Exhibition
Puppet Wache for Carlo Gozzi’s König Hirsch, 1918, Applied Arts Collection, Museum für Gestaltung
5 May - 10 September 2017

Walk right in! The Museum für Gestaltung is presenting its valuable collection of puppets. As high points of the avant-garde, Sophie Taeuber-Arp’s "König Hirsch" and Otto Morach’s ensemble for "La boîte à joujoux" will encounter typical puppet characters such as Punch, a robber, and a princess. The puppet theater company founded at the Kunstgewerbeschule Zürich (Zurich School of Applied Arts) in 1918 led to an experimental engagement with the genre by the various participants. In the mid-twentieth century, puppet theater reached yet another high point in the form of "Fred Schneckenburger’s Puppet Cabaret". Along with delightful original puppets in all sizes, the exhibition will also present theatrical scenery, films, and soundtracks as well as insights through drawings and documentary photographs. This highly enjoyable show will even offer visitors the chance to take part in a shadow play themselves.

Turn the Puppets Loose
Collecting as Research
Museum für Gestaltung (ed.), E/G, CHF 23