Museum Ludwig

Oscar Tuazon

15 Feb - 13 Jul 2014

© Oscar Tuazon
It's Beyond Me, 2014
Galvanized steel, sheetrock, pine, oak, glass, lamp, paint
Photo: Michael van den Boogard
Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Zurich
Alone In An Emp­ty Room
15 February – 13 July 2014

Os­car Tu­a­zon (born 1975 in Seat­tle) works in out­door and in­te­ri­or space. His con­struc­tions ex­tend­ing out in­to three di­men­sions can break the bounds of a build­ing or cre­ate new spaces, both vis­i­ble and in­vis­i­ble. He ar­tic­u­lates his great in­ter­est in phys­i­cal la­bor and the ge­n­e­sis of an art­work through his pie­ces, which op­er­ate in the area be­tween sculp­ture and ar­chi­tec­ture, as well as through his choice of ma­te­rials, which above all in­clude wood, me­t­al, con­crete and stone.

The forms he gives his works bring the ideas of Land Art to­gether with Min­i­mal Art and thus link a cer­tain no­tion of ab­s­trac­tion with the ac­tu­al con­struc­tion, which is shaped by ex­treme phys­i­cal de­mands and ev­er dif­fer­ent spa­tial con­sid­er­a­tions. Tu­a­zon of­ten takes ac­tive part in the mak­ing of his pie­ces, work­ing on site at high­ly di­verse lo­ca­tions along­side la­bor­ers and spe­cial­ists. This col­lec­tive ef­fort and com­mu­ni­ca­tion adds a per­for­ma­tive di­men­sion to his work.

His prac­tice is al­so in­flu­enced how­ev­er by his deep re­flec­tions on the his­to­ry of art from re­cent de­cades – his con­crete ref­er­ences to Carl An­dre, Richard Ser­ra, Bruce Nau­man, Robert Smith­son and al­so for in­s­tance Gor­don Mat­ta-Clark amount to a new po­si­tion­ing of the dis­course about space, ma­te­rial and la­bor in con­tem­po­rary art.

At the Mu­se­um Lud­wig he will re­al­ize a unique piece on the wide open spaces of the stair­case and with that posit a coun­ter-ar­gu­ment to the ex­ist­ing ar­chi­tec­ture. The ex­hi­bi­tion will ex­tend over two sto­ries, with stan­dard reper­toire el­e­ments from the ar­chi­tec­ture of a small house strewn about the en­tire space oc­cu­pied by the stair­case in the mu­se­um. The site-spe­cif­ic ar­gu­ment in this work hinges on the di­rect com­bi­na­tion and jux­ta­po­si­tion of public and pri­vate space and the con­struc­tio­n­al char­ac­teris­tics and so­cial re­quire­ments with which they are con­nect­ed. Os­car Tu­a­zon tests mod­els in a new man­n­er by think­ing both con­cept and sculp­ture anew.

Tags: Oscar Tuazon