Palazzo Grassi


27 Sep 2008 - 22 Mar 2009

© Maurizio Cattelan
All (2008)
ph: Santi Caleca
Italian Art between Tradition and Revolution, 1968-2008
September 27, 2008 - March 22, 2009

Italics, held in collaboration with the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, looked at Italian art as a sort of train made up of different carriages, some of which have made it onto international networks, others of which have been sidetracked into the tortuous m eanders of Italy’s recent history.
The show didn't limit itself to the representation of Burri and Fontana, Arte Povera and the Transavanguardia, all key parts of Italian art. Instead it explored in depth the true essence of Italian artistic production over the last forty years.
Altogether, there was more than 250 works by 107 artists, some of whom – such as Pino Pascali, Alighiero Boetti, Marisa Merz, Maurizio Cattelan and Vanessa Beecroft – have enjoyed international fame and success, whilst others – such as Fernando Melani and Maria Lai – have been at times unfairly neglected.
The aim of this exhibition was to provide the Italian and international public with an insight into the decisive role played by tradition and revolution in determining contemporary Italian art.

Tags: Vanessa Beecroft, Alighiero Boetti, Maurizio Cattelan, Maria Lai, Marisa Merz, Pino Pascali