Nina Rhode
12 Sep - 17 Oct 2015
© Nina Rhode
„Hinter dem Spiegel“, 2015
paint on mirror behind glass, steel, dim. variable (60 x 94 x 188 cm)
detail left wing, installation view „Die Kachel“, Galerie Sandra Bürgel, Berlin 2015
„Hinter dem Spiegel“, 2015
paint on mirror behind glass, steel, dim. variable (60 x 94 x 188 cm)
detail left wing, installation view „Die Kachel“, Galerie Sandra Bürgel, Berlin 2015
Die Kachel
12. September - 17. Oktober 2015
The artist makes circles otherwise.
She finds the gallery space, with its many tiles, rather bewildering.
She has tangled with this exhibition, not only with the tile format, but also with the time, the time that remained for the making and the time we live in.
In the studio the artist’s approach - in spite of tile and ruler - evolved in a rotary and experimental kind, took a route along drawers and shelves and gave way to these works: sketches and thoughts of partly forgotten worlds, and those still to come. It’s a sum of ideas and current states that pair at such a place, almost too small to notice, fugitive traces of half-thought and half-felt thoughts and recollections.
The fact that these works are now being put in an exhibition and looked at is odd, in particular at such a time and such a date.
t is recommended to not consider the exhibition as the end of a long working trip, rather look at it as if you’d come across an unobserved state, because, actually, one’s eyes are closed.
Nina Rhode
We are very pleased to let you know that Nina Rhode got appointed to the HfbK Hamburg as a guest professor in time-based media.
Die Kachel
12. September - 17. Oktober 2015
The artist makes circles otherwise.
She finds the gallery space, with its many tiles, rather bewildering.
She has tangled with this exhibition, not only with the tile format, but also with the time, the time that remained for the making and the time we live in.
In the studio the artist’s approach - in spite of tile and ruler - evolved in a rotary and experimental kind, took a route along drawers and shelves and gave way to these works: sketches and thoughts of partly forgotten worlds, and those still to come. It’s a sum of ideas and current states that pair at such a place, almost too small to notice, fugitive traces of half-thought and half-felt thoughts and recollections.
The fact that these works are now being put in an exhibition and looked at is odd, in particular at such a time and such a date.
t is recommended to not consider the exhibition as the end of a long working trip, rather look at it as if you’d come across an unobserved state, because, actually, one’s eyes are closed.
Nina Rhode
We are very pleased to let you know that Nina Rhode got appointed to the HfbK Hamburg as a guest professor in time-based media.