Beyond Real
23 Mar - 21 May 2006

Man Ray
Tears (Larmes), ca. 1930
Gelatin silver print
Private Collection
© 2006 Man Ray Trust / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/ADAGP, Paris
Tears (Larmes), ca. 1930
Gelatin silver print
Private Collection
© 2006 Man Ray Trust / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/ADAGP, Paris
Beyond Real:
Surrealist Photography and Sculpture from Bay Area Collections
March 23, 2006 - May 21, 2006
Organized in conjunction with The Surreal Calder, this exhibition includes more than 200 photographs and sculptures showcasing Surrealism’s pinnacle in the 1920s and 1930s as well as its enduring artistic legacy today. Featuring works by such surrealist pioneers as Hans Bellmer and Man Ray juxtaposed with those of contemporary artists Cindy Sherman and Hiroshi Sugimoto, the exhibition traces the evolution of surrealist ideas as they migrated across genres, continents, media, and decades. The resulting presentation captures the spirit of the surrealist movement while representing the diversity of techniques and materials used to express its themes.
Surrealist Photography and Sculpture from Bay Area Collections
March 23, 2006 - May 21, 2006
Organized in conjunction with The Surreal Calder, this exhibition includes more than 200 photographs and sculptures showcasing Surrealism’s pinnacle in the 1920s and 1930s as well as its enduring artistic legacy today. Featuring works by such surrealist pioneers as Hans Bellmer and Man Ray juxtaposed with those of contemporary artists Cindy Sherman and Hiroshi Sugimoto, the exhibition traces the evolution of surrealist ideas as they migrated across genres, continents, media, and decades. The resulting presentation captures the spirit of the surrealist movement while representing the diversity of techniques and materials used to express its themes.