Fifty Years of Bay Area Art
09 Dec 2011 - 03 Apr 2012

© Gay Outlaw
Nest, 1999
pencils, glue; collection of Lucinda Reinold
photo: courtesy the artist and Gallery Paule Anglim, San Francisco
Nest, 1999
pencils, glue; collection of Lucinda Reinold
photo: courtesy the artist and Gallery Paule Anglim, San Francisco
9 December, 2011 – 3 April , 2012
Celebrating the unique and long-standing role of SFMOMA's SECA award program, this presentation brings into dialogue works by a number of past award recipients. In concert with an oral history project and a comprehensive book, the exhibition marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the museum's distinguished art interest group SECA (Society for the Encouragement of Contemporary Art), which honors the achievements of Bay Area artists. The exhibition offers a lens onto some of the key artistic approaches that have contributed to the vitality and breadth of contemporary art here. Artists include William Allan, Hung Liu, Chris Johanson, Barry McGee, Laurie Reid, and Kota Ezawa, among many others.
9 December, 2011 – 3 April , 2012
Celebrating the unique and long-standing role of SFMOMA's SECA award program, this presentation brings into dialogue works by a number of past award recipients. In concert with an oral history project and a comprehensive book, the exhibition marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the museum's distinguished art interest group SECA (Society for the Encouragement of Contemporary Art), which honors the achievements of Bay Area artists. The exhibition offers a lens onto some of the key artistic approaches that have contributed to the vitality and breadth of contemporary art here. Artists include William Allan, Hung Liu, Chris Johanson, Barry McGee, Laurie Reid, and Kota Ezawa, among many others.