Amongst Ghosts and Robots

24 - 28 Jun 2015

MA Artistic Research, University of Amsterdam
24 - 28 June 2015

With: Roos Bekkenkamp, Caitlin Ensor, Santiago Fernandez De Mosteyrin, Miklos Gaál, Riccarda Hessling, Patty Jansen, Elisa Matse, Ana Mireles, Alexandra Nicolau, Lisandro Suriel, Suzan Tunca

Amongst Ghosts and Robots is an exhibition of an interdisciplinary group of eleven artistic researchers from the visual arts, music, theatre, design, dance, and anthropology. In addition to the multifaceted display of works there will be performances and activities that underline the various methods of producing and transmitting knowledge.

The movement from the robot to the ghost is at first a metaphor for the interaction between scientific procedures and artistic practice, the artist functioning as a mediator. Our goal, our common ground, can be found between these: In reviving affiliations with the interfaces of the latent and manifest, the tactile and abstract, the intuitive and automatic.

In a context of digital immersion, are we now more than ever, ghosts in the machine? Or are we robots programmed by nature and by culture in a world of ghostly appearance?

This is a space of engagement.

Tags: Tunca