
Feels Like Heaven

18 Sep - 25 Oct 2014

© Muntean / Rosenblum
Untitled (it was like a hunger...), 2014
crayon and cut out on paper
42 x 59.4 cm
Francis Alys, Charles Avery, Vittorio Brodmann, Carroll Dunham, Karl Haende,
Thomas Helbig, Andy Hope, Konstantin Kakanias, Ansel Krut, Zilla Leutenegger,
Muntean / Rosenblum, Amir Nave, Dan Perjovschi, Tal R.
18 September – 25 October 2014

Feels Like Heaven is a versatile presentation of works on paper, dealing with different perceptions of reality in contemporary drawing. Combining conceptualism with a straight-forward approach to drawing and real-life depiction, the show presents a radical approach to narrative and fiction.
For some of the artists featured in the show, the practice of processing everyday images taken from mass media is a basic part of questioning reality through art. By circulating common imagery, they choose to portray western culture through a well-edited mirror, using actual newspapers and magazine ads.
Other artists focus their practice on fantasies and dreams, and convey their inner worlds as alternative realities of their own.
These two ends meet where we realize our ideas of the world are built on fantasies created in the minds of news editors and reality TV producers. What is conceived as clear "realism" in terms of common perceptions of reality is sometimes much more elusive than the wildest dreams we might have.

Tags: Francis Alÿs, Charles Avery, Vittorio Brodmann, Carroll Dunham, Thomas Helbig, Andy Hope 1930, Konstantin Kakanias, Ansel Krut, Zilla Leutenegger, Muntean / Rosenblum, Dan Perjovschi, Tal R