Knut Henrik Henriksen, Sticks to measure volume (Sommer & Kohl) to be rebuilt somewhere else and other works
12 Sep - 24 Oct 2009

© Knut Henrik Henriksen
Sticks to measure volume (Sommer & Kohl) to be rebuilt somewhere else and other works
Installation view
Sticks to measure volume (Sommer & Kohl) to be rebuilt somewhere else and other works
Installation view
"Sticks to measure volume (Sommer & Kohl) to be rebuilt somewhere else and other works"
opening 11 September 2009, 6 – 9 pm
exhibition 12 September – 24 October 2009
Wednesday – Saturday 11 am – 6 pm and by appointment
“The line is made up of an infinite number of points; the plane of an infinite number of lines; the volume of an infinite number of planes; the hypervolume of an infinite number of volumes...”
Jorge Luis Borges
Sommer & Kohl are pleased to present the first solo exhibition with new works by Knut Henrik Henriksen (*1970, Oslo).
Knut Henrik Henriksen works with close reference to the exhibition space. Size and shape of his sculptures often are determined by architectural details and historical changes within the public realm. For our exhibition, Henriksen has developed several sculptures that deal directly with the shape and the character of the exhibition space.
The artist removes an existing wooden wall in the gallery in order to lay bare the structure behind it. He cuts this wall using curved lines which reflect the proportions of the gallery space, and arranges the individual parts in a new manner on another wall. The resulting wall relief visualises invisible lines and in this way creates a cast of the space.
For another work, Henriksen measures the gallery by means of wooden sticks and coloured tape. With this measuring system an aesthetic object is created which can exactly replicate a particular volume in another location.
Henriksen’s way of working comprises an infinite potential for sculptures which all refer to a given space. He measures rooms, visualises structures, builds or dismantles walls and makes casts of historical changes within a space.
Knut Henrik Henriksen's works are on view until 20 September 2009 in the exhibition Beyond These Walls at South London Gallery, London, UK. Past exhibitions were in 2008 DUO Hans Arp/Knut Henrik Henriksen, Galleri Würth, Nittedal, N; 2007 The Re-conquest of Space, Overgaden, Copenhagen, DK; Poor Thing, Kunsthalle Basel, CH; Various Small Fires, Royal College of Art, London, UK and 2006 All that is Solid Melts into Air, Frac des Payes de la Loire, Nantes, F. A permanent installation will be on view in the tunnel of the new Kings Cross Station in London from 2010.
"Sticks to measure volume (Sommer & Kohl) to be rebuilt somewhere else and other works"
opening 11 September 2009, 6 – 9 pm
exhibition 12 September – 24 October 2009
Wednesday – Saturday 11 am – 6 pm and by appointment
“The line is made up of an infinite number of points; the plane of an infinite number of lines; the volume of an infinite number of planes; the hypervolume of an infinite number of volumes...”
Jorge Luis Borges
Sommer & Kohl are pleased to present the first solo exhibition with new works by Knut Henrik Henriksen (*1970, Oslo).
Knut Henrik Henriksen works with close reference to the exhibition space. Size and shape of his sculptures often are determined by architectural details and historical changes within the public realm. For our exhibition, Henriksen has developed several sculptures that deal directly with the shape and the character of the exhibition space.
The artist removes an existing wooden wall in the gallery in order to lay bare the structure behind it. He cuts this wall using curved lines which reflect the proportions of the gallery space, and arranges the individual parts in a new manner on another wall. The resulting wall relief visualises invisible lines and in this way creates a cast of the space.
For another work, Henriksen measures the gallery by means of wooden sticks and coloured tape. With this measuring system an aesthetic object is created which can exactly replicate a particular volume in another location.
Henriksen’s way of working comprises an infinite potential for sculptures which all refer to a given space. He measures rooms, visualises structures, builds or dismantles walls and makes casts of historical changes within a space.
Knut Henrik Henriksen's works are on view until 20 September 2009 in the exhibition Beyond These Walls at South London Gallery, London, UK. Past exhibitions were in 2008 DUO Hans Arp/Knut Henrik Henriksen, Galleri Würth, Nittedal, N; 2007 The Re-conquest of Space, Overgaden, Copenhagen, DK; Poor Thing, Kunsthalle Basel, CH; Various Small Fires, Royal College of Art, London, UK and 2006 All that is Solid Melts into Air, Frac des Payes de la Loire, Nantes, F. A permanent installation will be on view in the tunnel of the new Kings Cross Station in London from 2010.