Sprüth Magers

Gretchen Bender

The Perversion of the Visual

24 May - 10 Aug 2024

Gretchen Bender, The Perversion of the Visual, Installation view, Sprüth Magers, Los Angeles, May 24– August 10, 2024, Photo: Robert Wedemeyer
Gretchen Bender emerged in the early 1980s in New York as a contemporary of the Pictures Generation. A commentator on the age of television, her work continues its relevancy in today’s privatized and multi-screened cultural landscape—in many ways, even predicting its development. Monika Sprüth and Philomene Magers are pleased to present ”The Perversion of the Visual”, Bender’s second exhibition with the gallery and her first in Los Angeles since 1989. The show focuses on her efforts to break into mass media’s attempt to gloss over the severity of cultural events and depictions of violence.