Tate Britain

Alison Wilding

12 Nov 2013 - 09 Feb 2014

Alison Wilding, Assembly, 1991
Tate Britain’s Duveen galleries will host a display of works by Alison Wilding, one of Britain’s foremost sculptors known for her inventive approach to form and materials. Featuring a new acquisition, Vanish and Detail 2004, the display will span a significant period of the artist’s career with a selection of works drawn from Tate’s collection.

Wilding’s works represent abstract sculpture at its best, combining a rich variety of materials, techniques and forms. Her sculptures often bring together two separate elements establishing close relationships between contrasting materials, textures and colours, while exploring the polarities between light and shadow, revelation and concealment. Throughout her career, Wilding has consistently produced ambitious and innovative sculptures that demonstrate a direct and pragmatic attitude towards materials and examine the complexities of sculptural perception.

Tags: Alison Wilding