Rosalind Nashashibi and Lucy Skaer
08 Nov 2008 - 04 Jan 2009

Rosalind Nashashibi and Lucy Skaer
Pygmalion Workshop 2008
Installation view Neue Nationalgalerie Commissioned by Berlin Biennale
© courtesy the artists, doggerfish, Edinburgh and Store, London
Pygmalion Workshop 2008
Installation view Neue Nationalgalerie Commissioned by Berlin Biennale
© courtesy the artists, doggerfish, Edinburgh and Store, London
Alongside their individual art practices, Rosalind Nashashibi and Lucy Skaer have been making collaborative works since 2005. Their two films Ambassador 2005 and Flash in the Metropolitan 2006 focus on the act of looking and the transformative potential of film. One of their most recent collabroations is an installation for this year's Berlin Biennale, which explores ideas of images-making and metamorphoses in two and three dimensions. Nashashibi and Skaer will be creating a new installation for the Art Now space.