Future Gallery

Nicolas Pelzer

28 Jun - 21 Jul 2012

© Nicolas Pelzer
Parametric Pleasure
28 June - 21 July 2012

Future Gallery is proud present Parametric Pleasure, a solo exhibition by German artist Nicolas Pelzer.

This show is a site specific arrangement, consisting of precise installations made out of glass panels and tie-dye fabrics. The stark contrasts between these works provides a visual disharmony. His mechanically exact arrangements of glass panels and connectors, with their direct influence on the viewers' perception of the space, suggest a sort of non-place. There is a structure present but only in form of nearly invisible framings placed in sequence to other almost undetectable transparent planes. They are aiming to create a framework for a visual presence but finally fail to reach this state. Like placeholders, they are representing an unfulfilled potential. As these planes layer, a dynamic tension is created in the space between. These real yet imaginary boundaries are partly destroyed by the tie-dye elements which demolish the rigidity as well as inconspicuousness of the sculptures. There seems to be in an inherent demand in the imbalance of these works.

Pelzer initially began working with glass structures as a result of his research on tourist observatories in South Korea located along the North Korean border. He is interested in how these high-tech glass buildings generate a border and furthermore, how an alternate reality of the other side is carefully mediated. Appearing to draw a clearer distinction of the ‘westernized’ model of representing the other, accentuating the structure itself. Although, his work has since evolved from this initial research, this symbolism of limited transparency continues to inform his artistic vocabulary. Playing with new structures, he is attempting to translate these themes into broader contexts. The work remains somehow simultaneously controlled yet erupting with freedom.

Nicolas Pelzer (1982) studied at the University of the Arts in Berlin and received his degree in Art from the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM). Recent exhibitions include: Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, new talents - Biennale Cologne, Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl, Kunstverein Düsseldorf

Tags: Nicolas Pelzer