23 May - 18 Jul 2009
At his exhibition on Saturday 23 May 2009 Sigurdur Gudmundsson will be hypnotized at 17.15 hours having been told by a professional hypnotist that he has never heard of the exhibiting artist showing in Charles and the Mutes and that he sees these works for the first time. The hypnotist will give him the name 'Charles' who is a connaisseur of contemporary art. He has been told to express his thoughts and opinion in public about each work which he may like or dislike. During the hypnosis 'Charles' does not recognize any of the visitors until he is put out of hypnosis at six 'o clock sharp, after which Sigurdur Gudmundsson does not remember anything of what Charles has said.
At his exhibition on Saturday 23 May 2009 Sigurdur Gudmundsson will be hypnotized at 17.15 hours having been told by a professional hypnotist that he has never heard of the exhibiting artist showing in Charles and the Mutes and that he sees these works for the first time. The hypnotist will give him the name 'Charles' who is a connaisseur of contemporary art. He has been told to express his thoughts and opinion in public about each work which he may like or dislike. During the hypnosis 'Charles' does not recognize any of the visitors until he is put out of hypnosis at six 'o clock sharp, after which Sigurdur Gudmundsson does not remember anything of what Charles has said.