Van Gelder

Myne Søe-Pedersen

08 Jan - 23 Feb 2011

8 January - 22 February 2011

In the exhibition 'Reading' of Myne Søe-Pedersen in Galerie van Gelder a photo of a black square in a semi-transparent envelope hangs close to the ceiling. This black square shimmering vaguely through the envelope is a 6 x 6 cm negative representing a municipal space, in this way not visible in print and therefore unrevealed. This work á la Malevich looks down on visitors and the other works in the space. A large part of the exhibition 'Reading' is showing a desolate space of a women’s fashion shop in Copenhagen before the building was demolished. Threads, bits of fluff and broken glass are left-overs of previous business activities, while the silence is detectable as a matter of fact, yet confusion is created by means of mirroring and abstraction through floor patterns and rhythms of colour.
With the use of real mirrors in between the works in the gallery space the artist has put together three nuances of time. The invisible space of the negatives, the photographed space of the vanished fashion shop and the physical space of the gallery interweave past and present into a play of true and untrue, real and unreal, past and not past.

Tags: Kazimir Malevich, Myne Søe-Pedersen