Vera Cortes

André Sier

15 - 31 Mar 2007


Vera Cortês, Agência de Arte
Inauguração dia 14 de Março às 22h
From 15th to 31 March
Tuesday to Friday from 11h to 19h
Saturday from 15h to 20h

Struct_5 is an interactive device that captures and interferes with the sound and visual motion that occurs in a site-specific space.
The installation creates an image of movement (visual singularities) into a forest of video planes that sculpt three dimensional space. The data gathered from the movement controls the broadcast of sounds being sampled real-time from the microphones.
By registering and reproducing sounds in loco, struct_5 disturbs the normal order of time flow, drawing breaches that unveil prior moments with which one may interact now.
The user may quasi-draw a shape of sound occurring in space, where the amount of movement, the singularities of the difference between the stills the camera captures from person interaction, returns, more on the left or right woofer, the result of a continuous confluence of sound flows from previous moments.