ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie

Banquet_nodes and networks. Cyberculture in Spain

14 Mar - 28 Jun 2009

Kònic Thtr
Mur.muros / Distopía‚ II, 2007/08
Multimedia-Installation, Detail
Im Besitz der Künstlergruppe
© Kònic Thtr

Interactions in Spain's current digit culture
An exhibition at the ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art
Opening Friday, 13 March at 7 p.m. In the ZKM_Foyer
After a century in which knowledge has become increasingly specialized, the knowledge about reality has been broken down into ever more individual parts. We are now presented with the task of developing new thought models, methods, and tools to reconnect these fragmented elements of experience and knowledge and to do justice to their complexity. Fact is, the majority of today's political, economic, social, and cultural problems can hardly be solved in isolation. In many areas, the demand for open and thus flexible systems capable of development is again being raised. Cross connections and directed openings of previously hermetically sealed areas of experience and knowledge occurring in the course of this bring new knowledge about the structure and function of networked systems.
Life as a networked system
The exhibition »Banquet_ nodes and networks« guides us in this context from neural micro worlds to global dynamics of digital networking. Showing current positions in Spanish media art that deal with networked systems, it thus meaningfully complements the previous exhibition »The Discrete Charm of Technology.« The works in the exhibition visualize connections of biological, social, and cultural networks, allowing visitors to participate and experience them. At issue is the perception of life as a networked system—from water molecule through to the global ecological system. It is about the examination of human existence as part of this complex, self-organizing and self-maintaining web; as interface between the micro and macroscopic levels, between life's endosmotic and exosmotic phenomena as well as the interface between the biological, technical, and socio-cultural conditions and developments of human existence. The relationships and tensions between locally coherent social forms, on the one hand, and global social structures on the other, are subjected to critical examination and reformulation. Based on more than thirty digital and interactive projects, the complexity of the network structure as a common matrix can be experienced. In the course of this, new cross links arise that lead from Santiago Ramón y Cajal's late nineteenth century neuronal net theory to Manuel Castell's current net-based theory of information society.

Idea and concept: Karin Ohlenschläger and Luis Rico.
Curator: Karin Ohlenschläger.
Exhibition production: LABoral, Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón, Spain.
Organization of the traveling exhibition: SEACEX.

Further Information: www.banquete.org