Michael Rees: “Putto 4 over 4”
30 Jun - 30 Nov 2009

Michel Rees „Putto4over4“, 2004, courtesy Teutloff Photo + Video Collection © Michael Rees, Foto: ONUK
Open air art work in the ZKM_Forecourt
Michael Rees refers to himself as a multimedia sculptor. His sculptures are based on the use of various visualization and animation programs. He uses these to rearrange members, to animate and thus “reactivate” them to new life. Anagrammatic bodies, bodies without organs and organs without bodies are generated on the computer, whose movements are then transformed by the sculptor by snapshots in immovable, massive sculptures. The possibilities of digital art Rees transfers to analogue art; the media artist becomes a sculptor moving from an aesthetics of anatomy to a molecular aesthetics. In addition to up-to-date software, for the realization of his projects the artist also uses new types of building materials. In this way, Rees, whose works have already been exhibited at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City, the MARTa Herford and other museums throughout the United States, Germany, Turkey and Spain, creates a bridge between the virtual and material worlds.
Curated by Peter Weibel
“Putto 4 over 4” forms part of the Teutloff Photo + Video Collection, which was given to the ZKM as loan.
Michael Rees refers to himself as a multimedia sculptor. His sculptures are based on the use of various visualization and animation programs. He uses these to rearrange members, to animate and thus “reactivate” them to new life. Anagrammatic bodies, bodies without organs and organs without bodies are generated on the computer, whose movements are then transformed by the sculptor by snapshots in immovable, massive sculptures. The possibilities of digital art Rees transfers to analogue art; the media artist becomes a sculptor moving from an aesthetics of anatomy to a molecular aesthetics. In addition to up-to-date software, for the realization of his projects the artist also uses new types of building materials. In this way, Rees, whose works have already been exhibited at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City, the MARTa Herford and other museums throughout the United States, Germany, Turkey and Spain, creates a bridge between the virtual and material worlds.
Curated by Peter Weibel
“Putto 4 over 4” forms part of the Teutloff Photo + Video Collection, which was given to the ZKM as loan.