Kunsthaus Baselland

Study projects

15 - 26 Apr 2015

Buchner Bründler Architekten, Basel
for a new Kunsthaus Baselland
15 - 26 April 2015

In a partnership organized and funded by the Foundation Kunsthaus Baselland and the Christoph Merian Stiftung study projects for a new Kunsthaus Baselland in the recent months were developed.

These were the participants:
Blue Architects, Zurich
Käferstein & master architect, Zurich
LOST architects, Basel
Luca Selva Architects, Basel
Buchner Bründler architects, Basel

Each office worked out proposals carefully, some focusing Perserving the object, some focusing a New construction. The project inputs are exhibited from 15 April – 26 April at the Kunsthaus Baselland.

The winner is Buchner Bründler architects, Basel:

The most accurate assessment responding to the requirements is a blend of old and new by the team of Buchner Bründler architects, Basel. Visibility by significant tower elements that are introduced into the filigree existing hall and create a new identity outside and inside, a convenient space planning for various forms of exhibition, a visible access for visitors as well as favorable conditions to link in the neighborhood are in the foreground of this proposal.