Künstlerhaus Bethanien

Daniela Brahm

24 Mar - 17 Apr 2005

Daniela Brahm

Although Daniela Brahm is indisputably a painter, her pictures often evolve into very three-dimensional architecture. For example, gallery exhibitions may be transformed into accessible urban areas when a number of paintings join together to create a course of flattened, fictive buildings. Following this, the viewer no longer knows whether painting is dallying with its own two-dimensional quality, as in Minimalism, or whether it has bowed down to the real exhibition space, merging together with three-dimensional objects to form a narrative, parallel world. In the former hospital chapel of the Künstlerhaus, Brahm has installed a parasitic architecture; starting out from flat building components on the ground, it rises like a tower to a height of 8.5 m, one side resting on the edge of the gallery. The painter has then mounted a combination of her own works and a number of directly painted wooden planks onto this structure made of scaffolding parts and wooden slats. Formally, the architectonic intervention seems to have been derived from the urban-planning of “council housing estates”, as they are called in England. The artist made a critical analysis of such estates and their utopian character during a year’s stay in England.

Daniela Brahm: Highrise
Studio 1
24th March - 10th April 2005
Opening: 23rd March 2005, 7 pm