Casino Luxembourg

AFK (Away from keyboard)

29 Jan - 01 May 2011

Opening: Friday 28 January 2011 at 7 p.m.

From 29 January to 1st May 2011 Casino Luxembourg is hosting an exhibition of Human Atopic Space presented in the “Aquarium” and the basement. The members of Human Atopic Space are highlighting artists at the centre of an exhibition where virtual realities are either at the heart of the creative process or are vectors of a reflection which engages them.

The exhibition AFK (Away from keyboard) presents a voyage to the heart of a series of artworks which are displayed with all their technical wanderings, in the unconventional existence of the Internet network, a new tribune. This open and non-hierarchical system reveals artworks in which the realization of the visitor comes about through interactivity and sometimes through playful involvement. The artistic field remains open to the exploration of the unknown, the invisible and the possibilities of this unexpected creative process the artists enable us to glimpse.

Human Atopic Space: