Casino Luxembourg

Philippe Nathan / 2001

12 Oct 2014 - 04 Jan 2015

Philippe Nathan / 2001
plan, coupe, FAÇADE 1:1,5, 2014
Vue d'installation au LABO. © photo : Eric Chenal.
plan, coupe, FAÇADE 1:1,5
12 October 2014 — 4 January 2015 | LABO

Appropriations et appréciations d'un morceau d'architecture.

Le white cube est un ornement, l'ornement pratique du curateur.
Les murs du white cube sont des façades, cachant la structure du bâtiment.
Le labo est un espace public, cadré par des façades ornementées, impénétrables.
A chaque façade son cliché d'utilisation, de fonction, de bâtiment.
A chaque bâtiment son appréciation et sa valeur supposée.
Divisé par 1.5, l'espace est une maquette, une simulation, un support de projet.

Un projet n'est pas, il devient.

Les ornements, façades et espaces, les clichés, appréciations et valeurs deviennent détournables, amendables, appropriables.

(Texte : Philippe Nathan / 2001)

plan, coupe, FAÇADE 1:1,5, an exhibition by Philippe Nathan / 2001 at the LABO, the area dedicated to younger audiences.

The LABO is the meeting area for young people in the Casino Luxembourg. Here, you can sit down, relax, look at books, surf or get (un)connected. The LABO is frequented by young people and children: they find books here, riddles, fun activities and many other things which relate to current exhibitions. The LABO also serves as a workshop for schools and for regular Casino activities.

Since 2013, the Casino has called upon Luxembourgish artists and creators to conceive the design of the LABO in relation to the exhibition. While remaining faithful to their own graphical and artistic principles, they interpret the exhibition in their particular way, offering another point of view or a different outlook on the exhibition, through their own intervention.