
From Here to Afternoon

16 Oct - 15 Nov 2015

© Romana Schmalisch
Exercise with tires
an exhibition on the spacial, temporal and social characters of movement
16 October - 15 November 2015

»From Here to Afternoon« borrows its initial gestures from early 20th century photographic studies of movement conducted by North American labor engineers Lillian and Frank Gilbreth and Soviet neurophysiologist Nikolai Bernstein at Moscow's Central Institute of Labor (TsIT). In the exhibition, techniques for externally taking control over movements of individual and collective bodies come across their counter-techniques: slowing down used to form collective industrial and civil struggle in Italy; the individual struggle of a Russian artist who transforms his conditions of imprisonment into conditions of production; the pictographic language of Gerd Arntz intended for the subjectification of rational individuals within mass-movements; Rudolf Laban's vitalist “Crystalline Movement”; and anthropological filmmaking that follows after movements and affects.

Throughout, movement is viewed transversally as a concept that in each case proceeds toward formalization and control while giving rise to various counter-movements. The control of movement functions within the organization of work as much as the organization against it. From Here to Afternoon deals with traces of tactical relations between capital and labor, state and individual, attempting to reconstruct not only symbols of resistance but ways of looking for counter-strategies.